Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Bigfoot Hunting Season

My Flashfire Series of Bigfoot novels are about how Bigfoot keep themselves under cover because interaction with humans never works out for any creatures. Why would Bigfoot step out of the forest, only to be captured, shot, and/or experimented on? No, this is a much more sensible creature. Yet despite evidence that Bigfoot just wants to be left alone, humans continue to bother the big guy.

Most recently, some state representative in Oklahoma who has more time on his hands than he knows what to do with decided to introduce a bill about establishing a Bigfoot hunting season. Great idea to encourage bored Oklahoma residents with shotguns to run around the woods and shoot at things that walk upright like humans. There’s no way that can go wrong.

This Oklahoma politician claims that his law wouldn’t encourage the slaughter of Bigfoot. He’s just supposed to be captured so the guys in camo can collect a “bounty” which will come from an as-yet-undetermined source.

My guess is that Bigfoot won’t come quietly and, regardless of the Oklahoma legislature’s plans, there will be blood. It might just come from a couple of over-eager and over-served hunters who shoot each other accidentally. Or if they do find Bigfoot, he might end up taking out some of his would-be captors before he’s killed. Then he goes from being mythical to extinct.