My house is overrun by rescued cats because 1) I'm a sucker
for cute, cuddly creatures and 2) there are too many homeless cats that somehow
find their way to my house and, as previously mentioned, I'm a sucker for cute,
cuddly creatures. Anyway, you'd think an animal that weighs only ten pounds wouldn't
be too dangerous to have around, even if that animal is a carnivore with sharp
claws and pointed teeth. I found out otherwise the other day.
One day last week, my cat Jem decided to try his paw at yoga. Unbeknownst to me, was sitting on the floor under my bent leg during the pose. When I was done, I put my foot down, expecting to find a solid floor, but instead found Jem. He wasn't happy about having me suddenly standing on top of him. He took off, and my foot went along for the ride. Next thing I knew, my legs had done the splits, and I was on the floor. Unfortunately, I'm not limber enough to do the splits.
You know that second after you realize you've injured
yourself, but before the pain kicks in? That anticipation is the worst. In this
case, the anticipation didn't last long because my legs started hurting quickly,
but I knew it would be even more painful in a couple days. As I've gotten
older, it takes longer and longer for the pain to truly settle in after I hurt
myself. By now, it's up to about three days of lead time.
Sure enough, three days after the cat yoga incident, I was hobbling
around the house, not sure which leg hurt more, so unsure which one to limp on.
My greatest fear is that this time, the worst of the injury won't manifest
until four or even five days later. If it gets too much worse, I'll have to
check into a hospital and ask them to put me in traction.
Meanwhile, the cat who caused all this trouble is in perfect
shape; no ill effects for him. Someday, in a decade or two, when I'm in any
condition to do yoga again, the cats will have to be locked out of my room. I'm clearly too
old to combine exercise with cat rescue.
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