Saturday, November 3, 2012

First Review - And It's Good!

That Google Alert I set up to tell me when anyone mentions my upcoming book I SAW YOUR FUTURE AND HE'S NOT IT: A PSYCHIC'S GUIDE TO TRUE LOVE has paid off. Today it led me to the book's first review.
Now, I know I SAW YOUR FUTURE is a great book, and my coauthor (and aunt) Louise Helene knows it's a great book, but until you actually see a good review, there's always that nagging little doubt that maybe the rest of the world will wake up on the wrong side of the bed and won't be in a mood to like anything. So it was a huge relief when I read the review and saw that this reviewer understood what we were trying to do and enjoyed it. (Exhale huge sigh of relief here) I'm so glad that the reviewer recommends the book, and it was especially fun to read that she identified with some of the women whose stories of good love and and good love gone bad are presented. That's something we've heard from many of the women who've read the book. This is serious cause for celebration this weekend.
Cheers to good reviews!

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